“With any profession, experience is key”

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One of the hottest comedians on the international circuit, Sugar Sammy has performed over 1,500 shows in 29 countries, in English, French, Hindi, and Punjabi. In the fall of 2016, he made

his debut in France, presenting 42 sold-out preview performances at Paris’ mythic Point Virgule theatre. After a two-month preview tour around France, he officially launched his new show, written specifically for French audiences, in March 2017 at Paris’ Théâtre l’Européen. 

After 36 sold out shows, Sugar Sammy has added 25 additional shows at the Alhambra Theatre, moving from a 350 seat theatre to a 600-seater. In the midst of all the shows in France, Sugar Sammy also visited the US on a 40-show tour in spring/summer 2017, visiting San Jose, Seattle, Atlanta, Houston, Austin, Naples (FL) and New York.

Additionally, he hosted two critically acclaimed sold-out Galas at the 35th edition of the Montreal International Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in July 2017, and will host the 17th edition of the annual Just For Laughs Canadian Comedy Tour in fall 2017. In an exclusive Interview with The Weekly Asian Connections Newspaper, Sugar Sammy shares some insights about his journey and the forthcoming program.


Q. Please tell our readers about your journey from Samir Khullar to Sugar Sammy.

A . Well Sugar Sammy is a nickname I got while I was at McGill University because I used to throw parties off campus to pay for my tuition fees. I thought it was such a catchy name that I kept it as I went into comedy full time. The rest is history!

Q. How did you venture in to performing in comedy shows?

A. I wanted to be a comedian ever since I was a little kid! I used to watch and study Eddie Murphy religiously. I did everything I could to be on stage at a very young age. I used to host the talent shows at school, tell jokes in the front of the school bus, and make announcements on the intercom.

Q. They say, comedy is the most difficult to do. Your take on the same?

A. I don’t think comedy is easy but the more you do it, the easier it gets to figure out. As with any profession, experience is key. I understand comedy better than I did when I first started and I know i’ll get better as I keep going.

Q. You have performed in 29 countries! Where did you enjoy the most?

A. I love performing everywhere. For me, conquering a new audience and having them discover me for the first time is just as exciting as reuniting with age old fans. I love being able to travel to and and adapt to different countries and cultures.

Q. You are known to perform in English, French, Hindi, and Punjabi. How is it different to perform in front of Punjabi Speaking audience?

A. I don’t think that the biggest adaption is linguistic. I think it’s cultural. Language is just a means of communication. A punjabi audience in India will be different than a Punjabi audience in Canada. Therefore, the adjustment happens with that variable in mind.

Q. What can we expect at Just for Laughs show?

A. This tour is amazing! You have 3 professional and polished comedians with 3 separate points of view and styles who complement each other so well on stage. It’s always exciting when you get to perform with comedians who make you raise your game every night. That’s definitely the case on this tour!

Q. Your take on the current political scenario in Canada?

A. When I travel, It’s interesting to see how people look at us with hope in terms of our political and social climate. Compared to many countries today, not only are we stable, we’ve become somewhat exemplary in terms of our inclusiveness and diversity.


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