Montreal Gazette
The phenomenally successful comedian sits down with Lesley Chesterman in Paris to talk about conquering France, why he's glad he doesn't fit in anywhere, and his plans to make his next Quebec show even edgier. “I like playing with fire, and then look for the exits.” —  Sugar Sammy It’s a grey Thursday night in early May in Paris, a few weeks after the fire at Notre-Dame and the day after the Fête du travail protest by the Gilets Jaunes. I’m at the Alhambra, a 600-seat theatre in the happening 10th arrondissement, and the room is filling up fast with a young crowd. The pre-show background tunes blaring in this chic theatre sound similar to the set played by DJ YO-C at the Olympia before...
The Federalist
Samir Khullar, better known as Sugar Sammy, is a Canadian comedian who performs comedy in multiple languages and cultures. Sugar Sammy joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour for discussion on joke writing, the art of the “Special,” Canadian politics, and the future of comedy. “I don’t think people are more sensitive. I think people like to say they’re more sensitive,” he said. “I think people like to create outrage so they can get those likes and that pat on the back, and start little mini movements so they can be the Rosa Parks of Tuesday afternoon on Twitter.”
France Info
L'humoriste canadien d'origine indienne Sugar Sammy est déjà une star dans son pays natal et aux Etats-Unis. Il part à la conquête de la France avec son spectacle dans la pure tradition du stand-up américain. Il est sur la scène de l'Alhambra à Paris jusqu'au 1er juin, avant une tournée dans tout le pays. Il a déjà fait la Une du New-York Times et de bien d'autres journaux anglo-saxons. Sugar Sammy est en France avec une nouvelle résidence à l'Alhambra à Paris jusqu'au 1er juin et avant une tournée française. Un challenge que celui de conquérir le cœur des français pour l'humoriste qui...
Comedian Sugar Sammy speaks about his comic success and how his background inspired his comedy. Click here to watch the full interview.
Washington Post
Link to Washington Post original article Comedian Sugar Sammy is trying to describe how he can move to a new country and figure out enough of the local quirks to poke fun at them. “The French will say, ‘How do you know us so well?’ " he says in an interview in Washington. “I’m like, ‘Because I’ve watched you, I have listened to you. I’ve been, I’ve been …’ ” and he pauses. The Montreal-born comedian performs in four languages, and currently he cannot summon...
Brown Girl Magazine
After 22 years of performing stand-up comedy worldwide, Samir Khullar says he doesn’t have a pre-performance ritual. Instead, he likes to feel out the vibe of a crowd when telling jokes. “I tend to be prepared, but not be too married to a set list. The best movies are when people forget they’re watching the movie and get involved. I like having that with my audience.” Samir, better known by his stage name “Sugar Sammy” or just “Sam,” is an award-winning stand-up comedian hailing from Quebec, Canada. Described by the New York Times as a “fearless comic with a talent for provoking both laughter and outrage,” his routines are inclusive of all people and backgrounds, given his...
News India Times
NEW YORK – Raconteur. Provocateur. Riff-master. Call him what you may, but Samir Khullar, aka Sugar Sammy, as the hugely talented Indo-Canadian standup comedian is popularly known the world over, will not put you to sleep with gentle fireside chat stories, especially if you are within earshot or eyesight of him in a comedy club. In fact, Sammy’s modus operandi – which was on regal display at Caroline’s on Broadway, last week – is to engage and joust with the audience through most of his show, creating classic improv humor, drawing out regular guffaws. One is left to wonder after Sammy’s blitzkrieg of multilingual raillery – at the expense of his sometimes squirming audience, caught off-guard...
The Knockturnal
Friday and Saturday night in Times Square, inside Carolines on Broadway, there was an audience with people from France, Canada, the United States, the Middle East and India in attendance and we all laughed our differences away… I spoke to Sugar Sammy after his show about diversity and how he connects with audiences in spite of their different backgrounds. Sugar Sammy spoke about bringing his unique point of view to his shows and in turn to the comedy landscape. With his Indian heritage, but having grown up in Canada, he is able to offer a fresh perspective. For instance, Sammy states, even though Canada and the States are neighbors, there are so many differences. He pointed this out during his shows in New York in a comical...
Hollywood Life
Obviously, there are major cultural differences between French & American societies. However, what are those translated in comedy? Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy tells HL his hysterical take on the biggest distinctions when it comes to getting laughs from his audience. Comedian Sugar Sammy, whose real name is Samir Khullar, speaks several different languages, each with an impeccable accent, and translates his comedy into each one. While he is changing up his language for each audience, he also translates his jokes and cultural references, depending on the country he is performing in. While this of course makes sense, as people across the world have different senses of humor depending on their cultural influences, Sugar Sammy...
Your Morning
Comedian Sugar Sammy shares why he took his comedic skills to Europe. Watch the full interview here.
CBC Radio
In the world of comedy, Sugar Sammy is renowned for being fluent in four languages and outrageously funny in all of them. When he first launched his bilingual stand-up show in Montreal in 2011, some thought it would be too difficult to make Quebec's two distinct cultures laugh at the same time.  Hundreds of thousands of ticket sales later, it's safe to say that he's succeeded, and now, he's taking things even further. After becoming a household name in Quebec, Sugar Sammy set sail for France. In the midst of his latest tour, Sugar Sammy joins Tom Power live in the q studio to talk about the comedic value of an outsider's perspective and how he generates laughs — and...
CBS New York
Sam Khullar grew up in Canada, but performing stand-up comedy in New York has always been the dream. Inspired by comics like Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle, the man known as Sugar Sammy is returning to Carolines on Broadway to headline the famous New York comedy club for three days in late February. Sugar Sammy has performed all over the world, but Carolines is one of his favorite spots. “It’s a legendary room. The names that play there now and the names that have played there are huge,” said Sugar Sammy in an interview with CBS Local. “I was walking by and I said ‘I can’t believe I’m headlining here.’ To see yourself up on the marquee is definitely exciting. There’s...
Global News - 640 Toronto
Sugar Sammy on Global News Radio - Toronto 640. Click here to listen to full interview.
Omny Studio
Author Melissa Leong joins as guest-host. Comedian Sugar Sammy brings the laughs. We kick off Black History Month with Power to Girls Foundation and DriverHER Founder Aisha Addo, plus chat Cirque Eloize Hotel with Sabrina Halde. #ontheradar: Sundance Film Festival, SAG Awards, Priyanka Chopra's Wild Wild Country inspired film, Jussie Smollett, Peppa Pig & Chinese New Year.    Listen here.
L'humoriste québécois Sugar Sammy a été nommé meilleur humoriste de l'année par le quotidien Le Parisien, qui a remis ses prix Étoiles lors d'une cérémonie diffusée vendredi soir en France. La soirée des Étoiles du Parisien, qui se tient depuis six ans, était animée par l'humoriste Tom Villa et télédiffusée pour la première fois sur la chaîne C8. La rédaction du journal décerne chaque année 28 prix dans différents domaines de la culture. Sugar Sammy, qui travaille en France depuis plus de deux ans, a obtenu cette récompense alors qu'il s'apprête à mettre fin à un long marathon de spectacles à l'Alhambra, à Paris, à la fin de l'année. Il a vendu 55 000 billets en Europe à ce jour, avec...
La Presse
Sugar Sammy a remporté hier soir l'Étoile de l'humour du Parisien, ex aequo avec le comédien et réalisateur Fabrice Éboué. Les deux lauréats succèdent à Jamel, Alex Lutz, Dany Boon et Florence Foresti, primés les années précédentes. Diffusée vendredi soir sur la chaîne C8, la cérémonie des Étoiles couronne les coups de coeur culturels de la rédaction du populaire journal de la capitale de l'Hexagone, Le Parisien.  
The Beat 92.5
"[...] Sammy's been working in France for the last little while and it's safe to say that they've fallen in love with him there, too. Sammy just won Best Comedian in Le Parisien magazine's prestigious countdown of this year's best performing arts and TV stars. He's now sold 55 000 tickets in Europe. 171 shows in Paris, the rest in France, Belgium and Switzerland. The guy's a machine. [...]" Listen to the full clip here: Shaun McMahon on The Beat - Sugar Sammy's succesful year
CHOM 97.7
" [...] Sugar Sammy's star power is growing exponentially in France. He's just been nominated in the Humour Category in the Parisien Magazine's Prestigious countown of 2018's hottest performing arts and television stars, in their annual Les Étoiles du Parisien show. [...] Listen to the full radio clip here: Terry DiMonte talks about Sugar Sammy's Étoiles du Parisien nomination
Time Out Paris
Pour qui? Ceux qui n’ont pas peur de se mettre aux premiers rangs. Voir quoi? Le roi de l’impro. Outre-Atlantique, Sugar Sammy est une célébrité. Mais parce que ses frontières étaient devenues trop étroites pour sa belle gouaille, Samir Khullar a décidé de venir poser ses valises en France. Résultat : sucess story à L’Alhambra et jury pour La France à un incroyable talent. Alors plus une soirée à perdre pour prendre part à l’ascension. Sur scène, c’est ambiance de stand up à l’américaine. Lumières de la ville en toile de fond et style bien moderne. Pourtant sous ses...
98.5 FM
Paul Houde et Thérèse Parisien discutent la tournée Americaine de Sugar Sammy et La France à un Incroyable Talent. Écoutez l'extrait ici: Chronique de Thérèse Parisien
La Presse
En pleine opération séduction en France, Sugar Sammy a annoncé hier une tournée d'une trentaine de dates aux États-Unis à partir de février 2019 avant de remonter sur les planches de l'Alhambra à Paris au mois d'avril. Sugar Sammy a la bougeotte. Alors que sa notoriété est en train d'exploser en France avec sa participation à la populaire émission La France a un incroyable talent, il annonce déjà qu'il reprend la route vers de nouveaux horizons afin de tâter le terrain pour sa prochaine aventure. L'humoriste avait déjà fait quelques dates en 2017 chez nos voisins américains et ne désire pas attendre...
Montreal Gazette
After winning funny bones and minds in France, Sugar Sammy is set to cross the Atlantic and take on the U.S. market. It’s been tough times in France this past week. After U.S. President Trump came under attack for skipping a visit to a French cemetery of American soldiers last weekend, the Donald shot back in a Twitter attack taking on French President Macron for his views on nationalism and even threatening to impose high tariffs on French wine. Trump ended one Twitter barrage with: “MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!” To which, a voice in the French wilderness responded on Twitter: “Don’t worry, I’m on it.” And that voice belonged not to a Frenchman, but to our hometown super-wit Sugar Sammy. Why...
Déjà deux ans que le sniper québécois égratigne la France et ses travers à grand renfort de punchlines. Alors que l’humoriste a intégré le jury de l’émission “La France a un Incroyable Talent”, on a voulu tester ses connaissances musicales.  Deux ans déjà que le « King of improvisation » québécois taille un joli costard à la France dans son spectacle. Une heure et demie de punchlines terriblement drôles, où Sugar Sammy passe en revue tous nos travers, des méandres de l’administration en passant par le racisme...
Chaque mercredi de 22h à 23h30, la foudre frappe sur VL : « Un Eclair de Guény » enflamme ta soirée avec Maxime et toute son équipe ! Du divertissement, de lʼhumour, de lʼactu et de la musique, le tout accompagné dʼun invité qui fait lʼactualité dans le monde du spectacle ou du show-biz.  Et pour ce mercredi 7 novembre, nous recevions Sugar Sammy !  Écoutez l'émission ici: Sugar Sammy invité de Un Eclair de Gueny #43