The Gazette
The people have spoken: Sugar Sammy is the most popular comic in Quebec. He nabbed the two top prizes at Le Gala Les Olivier – despite the fact that the awards are intended to honour only French comedy in the province. But they couldn't stop regular people from pissing their pantalons with Sucre's bilingue You're Gonna Rire, and the public voted and he won the Olivier de l'année. The industry voted his show the Olivier for spectacle de l'année. So once again, Sugar Sammy is building bridges where some would have no bridges built. Good on him. He will be performing You're Gonna Rire on May 24 and 25 and from Dec. 18 to21 at L'Olympia. Tickets range from $37.69 to $57.69 and are available at...
C'est Sugar Sammy qui s'est vu remettre le prestigieux Olivier de l'année au 15e Gala Les Olivier, qui récompensait les artistes du milieu de l'humour au Québec dimanche soir. Le lauréat de ce prix est choisi par un vote du public. Sugar Sammy a également reçu le trophée du meilleur spectacle pour En français SVP! Lise Dion est quant à elle repartie avec l'Olivier du spectacle d'humour le plus populaire pour Le temps qui court. Ce trophée est remis à l'humoriste ayant vendu le plus de billets durant l'année. Adib Alkhalidey a été nommé découverte de l'année. L'an passé, c'est François Bellefeuille qui avait reçu cet...
Le Huffington Post Québec
C'est ce soir, le dimanche 12 mai, que se déroule le Gala Les Olivier qui récompense les humoristes québécois. Le gala ne laisse personne indifférent, surtout pas sur internet. Le Huffington Post présente les premières réactions sur la twittosphère. On peut participer à la conversation sur Twitter avec le hashtag suivant : #galaolivier. Extraits vidéos, commentaires et photos :
Sugar Sammy, l'un des humoristes de l'heure au Québec grâce à son spectacle En français svp!, a reçu dimanche soir l'Olivier de l'année, remis par le public dans le cadre du 15e Gala Les Olivier, qui était animé par Mario Jean et diffusé par Radio-Canada. Sugar Sammy a aussi arraché le prestigieux Olivier du spectacle d'humour de l'année. Il a présenté plusieurs dizaines de prestations à l'Olympia de MONTRÉAL ces derniers mois et En français svp! fera jaser cet automne avec des représentations à Québec, MONTRÉAL et un peu partout en province. L'humoriste, qui connaît aussi du succès sur la scène internationale, alternera avec sa version...
Nouvelle sans grande surprise, Sugar Sammy est sorti grand gagnant du Gala les Olivier 2013 dimanche soir en mettant la main sur les prestigieux trophées du Spectacle de l'année (pour En français svp!) et l'Olivier de l'année (choix du public).  Les Denis Drolet ne sont pas repartis bredouille non plus. Leur metteur en scène Pierre-François Legendre a été récompensé dans sa catégorie pour le spectacle Comme du monde, alors que les deux hommes en brun (Sébastien Dubé et Vincent Léonard) ont partagé l'Olivier de l'Auteur de l'année avec Sylvain Larocque, avec qui ils ont coécrit ce même...
Journal Métro
Gagnant de deux prix, dont l'ultime Olivier de l'année, Sugar Sammy a dû faire la fierté de sa maman dimanche, en cette fête des Mères qui coîncidait avec la 15e édition du gala de l'humour. Pas de doute, c'était une bonne soirée pour Sugar Sammy! à plusieurs reprises, le charismatique humoriste de Côte-des-Neiges a eu la chance de briller sur la scène du studio 42, de Radio-Canada, où se tenait la cérémonie. «J'espère que vous n'allez pas blâmer ça sur le vote ethnique aussi!» a-t-il lancé en allant chercher l'Olivier de l'année. Bam. En guise de discours, celui qui a également rapporté chez lui l'Olivier du Spectacle de l'année pour...
The Gazette
Fans of standup comic Sugar Sammy's groundbreaking bilingual show You're Gonna Rire will have an opportunity on Sunday evening to help right a wrong. As I wrote a few weeks ago, Sammy has received three nominations for Quebec's Olivier awards for humour in 2012. None of them, however, is for the bilingual show that became a social and political phenomenon as well as an entertainment one. And that's precisely because the show was bilingual; the rules for the awards exclude material in English. But there's still a chance that Sammy will be honoured for bringing English- and French-speaking Quebecers together in the same audience in laughter. He's one of 10 nominees for the Olivier...
Journal de MONTRÉAL
Sugar Sammy et Marie-Mai sont les deux seuls Québécois à se retrouver au sein du palmarès des tournées les plus lucratives en Amérique du Nord, selon le magazine Pollstar. L'humoriste et la chanteuse s'illustrent au classement trimestriel avec des gains respectifs de 65 379 $ et de 37 029 $ brut par spectacle. Le magazine américain le plus respecté de l'industrie du divertissement fait paraître chaque semaine son classement des artistes les plus rentables sur la route, au cours des trois derniers mois. En date du 22 avril, Sugar Sammy occupait le 30e rang et Marie-Mai se retrouvait en 36e position, aux côtés de Bon Jovi, Pink, Justin Bieber et Maroon 5. Avec une moyenne de 1713 billets...
Sugar Sammy est un garçon sweet et bien élevé. Sourire d'ange, il vouvoie, donne des câlins, boit du thé vert et jure qu'il habite encore chez ses parents. Ça c'est dans la vie (et en entrevue).  Sur scène, il est baveux, grinçant, irrévérencieux.  Parlez-en à ses victimes assises aux premiers rangs.  « Comment tu t'appelles? Josiaaaane? Y'a combien de voyelles dans ton nom? » Rires dans la salle. « T'as quel âge? Trente-huit ans ! Achète-toi des chats et commence à tricoter! » Sourire désarmant, clin d'œil complice.  Le voilà tout pardonné. C'est ça la méthode Sugar.  Un peu de...
The Gazette
Apparently, you can't be funny in English in Quebec. Sugar Sammy's You're Gonna Rire wasn't the most popular comedy show in Quebec last year in terms of numbers of shows or tickets sold. But it was the most important one. What began as a daring experiment — a one-night standup comedy show in English and French in Montreal at a time when linguistic divisions were re-emerging — became a sensation, extending to 45 shows and 54,000 tickets sold by the end of 2012. And it became a social and political phenomenon, with the significance of its success at the box office and its young, linguistically mixed audience talked about, analyzed and commented upon beyond the entertainment pages. Sugar...
Le Devoir
Guillaume Wagner, Sugar Sammy, les Denis Drolet et Jean-François Mercier sont cités dans les principales catégories en vue du Gala des Olivier, dont celui de l'Olivier de l'année, qui sera déterminé par le public le soir de la cérémonie. Jean-Marc Parent, Jean-Michel Anctil, Lise Dion, Louis-José Houde, Mike Ward et Philippe Laprise complètent la liste des dix nommés pour le prestigieux Olivier de l'année. Lors de l'annonce des nominations, lundi à Montréal, Sugar Sammy a parlé d'une année exceptionnelle, lui qui a encore élargi son public francophone avec son En français SVP !. Il est également finaliste pour l'auteur de l'année et le spectacle d'humour. « Avoir...
Journal Métro
Les Denis Drolet ont reçu quatre nominations, alors que Guillaume Wagner et Sugar Sammy sont en lice pour trois honneurs au gala qui célèbre l'humour au Québec. Le duo et les deux humoristes sont notamment en lice pour l'Olivier de l'année. Michel Barrette et Marie-Lise Pilote ont aussi su tirer leur épingle du jeu. Leurs spectacles respectifs, Faut j'te raconte et Réconfortante, ont été nommés dans les catégorie Auteurs de l'année et Spectacle d'humour de l'année – aux côtés du Comme du monde des Denis Drolet, du Cinglant de Guillaume Wagner et du spectacle éponyme de Sugar Sammy –, en plus de décrocher une nomination pour la meilleure mise en scène (catégorie dans...
Blog - Bringing travel home
Last week Public Radio International's “The World” featured  Canadian Comedian Sugar Sammy.  Sugar Sammy has found a way to poke fun at the hot issues surrounding the French and English language conflict in Montreal and other regions in Quebec, from the perspective of an Indo-Canadian living in French Canada. Francophone – Anglophone tensions are up in Quebec right now (the only Canadian province where French is the sole official language – English speakers represent the minority) and have been highlighted with the latest news frenzy over an incident dubbed ”Pasta-gate.” The international news has targeted the...
Blog - The Star
Sugar Sammy, the fast-rising Quebec comedian who delights in poking fun at the province's language squabbles, hit The World's funny bone Thursday with a feature interview and podcast on the popular American radio show. The World – a joint production of National Public Radio, Public Radio International and the BBC – profiled the Punjabi-English-French speaking performer as “Quebec's Multlingual Court Jester.” Sugar Sammy, whose real name is Samir Khullar, grew up in Montreal speaking Punjabi and Hindi at home, French at school and English on the stage – even at a young age. On school trips, he told The World, the teachers would let him go to the front of the bus to...
The World
Samir Khullar aka Sugar Sammy is the Quebec-born son of Indian immigrants. As a kid, he spoke Punjabi and Hindi at home and French at school. But he learned to tell jokes in English. He's now taking his native Quebec by storm with stand-up comedy delivered in four languages. Photos: Susan Moss, Patrick Cox  
The New Indian Express
Samir Khullar is pretty much the whole package - an actor and writer with biting wit to match. The Indo-Canadian comedian, known internationally by his stage name Sugar Sammy, tells it like it is, from wisecracks on arranged marriages to faulty Indianisms.  Over 72,000 fans on Facebook are testament to his popularity. And he was recently in the country to start of the funny series by Comedy Central, as they made their foray into live entertainment in India. The funny man from Montreal gives us a hint of his brand of humour. The greatest comedian ever. Eddie Murphy. He's definitely the one that I love most. And I really admire Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais and Sacha Baron Cohen. But what makes Eddie Murphy my...
Deccan Herald
Indo-Canadian stand-up comedian, Samir ‘Sugar Sammy' Khullar, recently performed at UB City's amphitheatre as part of a three-city tour organised by Comedy Central. For over a decade now, the 36-year-old has been making a name for himself worldwide for his multi-lingual approach to comedy. At the show, the opening set was by local comedian Ashwin Matthew, who cracked some self-depreciating jokes on Malayalis, recalled funny incidents with auto drivers and even indulged the audience with some offensive jokes on religion and sex from time to time.  When Sugar Sammy took the mic, there was an avalanche of laughter throughout the amphitheatre — from his first joke to the last. There were racist jokes on...
The Asian Age - Delhi
Stand-up comedy is growing up in India and will soon be at par with other forms of art like music, say popular Indo-Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy.  He recently enthralled the audience with his stand-up act at FICCI Auditorium to kick off Comedy Central's foray into live entertainment in India. Sammy says that Indian comedian mostly take up local material for comedy, as the global touch remains missing. “I believe comedy content should be more diversified.  However I really like comedy acts by Ashwin Mathew and Rohan Joshi,” says Sammy who has a huge Indian fan base in Canada and had an exciting time touring Bengaluru, Delhi and Mumbai.  He says he would like to come again and Delhi would remain his...
Hindustan Times ( Delhi )
Indo-Canadian stand-up comedian Sugar Sammy on what he has in store for India. Stand up comedian Sugar Sammy aka Samir Khullar, who will be performing for the first time in India this week, thinks that the similarity between him and Russell Peters stem out of the fact that they both come from the same place.  “We are both Indo-Canadians who grew up in Canada.  So naturally we share the same cultural spaces and tradition which is why our jokes might sound similar”, says Sammy who further adds that there is still a lot that is different between the two of them.  “I have done my show in French, Punjabi and Hindi, and as far as I know, he hasn't done it in different languages,” he says. ...
DNA Syndication
This is going to be nothing less than a hell of a laughter ride as Canada's No.1 stand-up comedian Sugar Sammy gears up for his performance in the city this weekend. You laugh at him because he's funny, but those of you brave enough to sit in the first row of his show, watch out – you could be his next joke.  Well, whether the joke is on you or not, you still have the last laugh. ROFL, LOL, LMFAO – now, you may run out of words but you will still be holding your stomach and laughing out loud. Well, this is the kind of effect Samir Khullar aka Sugar Sammy has when he takes centre stage. Hailing from Montreal, the stand-up comedian will be performing in the city as part of the Comedy Central India Sugar Sammy...
The Sudbury Star
A man who can deliver comedy in four languages has been added to the LoL Sudbury lineup. Sugar Sammy will appear April 18 at 7 p.m. at The Radisson Hotel Palladium Ballroom and the April 19 at College Boreal, also at 7 p.m. Sugar Sammy — Samir Khullar — can do his act in four languages: French, English, Hindi and Punjabi. However, the Montreal comedian is best known for his bilingual shows. LoL Sudbury runs April 17-20. Headliners include Cheech and Chong and Rick Mercer. For more information, visit
The Beat 92.5
The Beat Breakfast with Sarah Bartok, Shaun McMahon, Natasha Hall and Cat Spencer : Monday to Friday 5:30 Am to 9:00 AM. Know someone celebrating a birthday? The Beat Breakfast LOVE to have a little fun with them by prank calling them on their special day. That morning, the victim was... Sugar Sammy ! Sarah poses as a TV exec to pitch Sammy some ideas for new TV shows.  Click to listen:
DNA India
Part of a new breed of young, global performers, Indo-Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy Sammy is all set to make the city laugh. Samir Khullar better known as Sugar Sammy has performed over a thousand shows in thirty countries in English, Hindi, Punjabi and French will be performing in Mumbai as a part of the live entertainment series in India by Comedy Central. Hailing from Montreal and being of Punjabi descent, Sugar Sammy has seen and heard a lot, though this will be the second time he will be performing in the city.  What he sees and hears serves as the basis for his comedy, he says. Thank God for arranged marriages and multicultural issues to make us laugh, but Sugar Sammy has no off -limit topics for his audience. “I...
The New Indian Express
Sugar Sammy will perform live in Bangalore on March 15. One of the hottest young comedians on the international circuit, Sugar Sammy is enjoying great success both at home and around the world. The event will be held at UB city. English and French critics and fans alike have lauded him for finding a way to make everyone laugh at each other, and themselves, at the same time, in the same room. In March 2013 he takes yet another leap, doing the first English/French/Hindi/Punjabi comedy show for his hometown fans. Working in four languages affords Sugar Sammy the opportunity to travel the world to perform for his dedicated fans. Over 1000 shows in 30 countries have given him a distinctly universal perspective. He's been invited to...
The Times of India
To kick off their foray into live entertainment in India, Comedy Central, India's only 24-hour English comedy channel, has chosen Indo-Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy to perform in Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai. Sammy has performed at over 1,000 shows in more than 30 countries, selling over 1,20,000 tickets in the last year alone. Part of a new breed of young, global performers, Sammy is all set to make India laugh.  This is the second time you are performing in India? I did a couple of shows in 2009, but this is the first time I'm performing on such a large scale. I'm looking forward to it. What kind of humour can audiences expect? I'm definitely going to talk about my experiences in India and the...