TVA Sports
L'humoriste québécois Sugar Sammy était de passage à «Dave Morissette en direct», le mardi 24 novembre.  Le nouveau talk-show, «Dave Morissette en direct», renouvelle le concept de l'émission sportive de fin de soirée. Avec le populaire Dave Morissette à la barre, de nombreux invités de marque, du monde sportif, mais aussi d'ailleurs, défilent sur un plateau impressionnant. En semaine, 21h30 sur TVA Sports. Voyez l'entrevue complète de Sugar Sammy au lien suivant: Et le défi de précision lancé à Sugar...
Journal Métro
Sugar Sammy revient cette année avec son concept du «bonhomme qui sent les épices», mais pousse la blague encore plus loin en répondant à de vrais «mean tweets» à son sujet. Les «mean tweets», comme vous le savez probablement, sont des tweets plutôt vulgaires que reçoivent souvent les artistes. Les noms des auteurs des tweets ont été modifiés, mais les messages sont intacts. Fautes incluses! à ses côtés, sa copine Nastassia Markiewicz, déguisée en fée des étoiles, est totalement gaga de tout ce qu'il dit. Les publicités sont bilingues, à l'image des deux spectacles de l'humoriste, «You're gonna rire» et «En français...
Global News
Global Montreal - Morning News, November 19. Quebec comedian Sugar Sammy talks to Camille Ross about his impending move to Paris and a new slate of comedy shows here in Montreal. The Morning News with Camille Ross and Jessica Laventure, your source for local news, weather and entertainment. Weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Global Montreal. To watch Sugar Sammy's interview  with Camille Ross, click the following link:
CBC News
Montreal bilingual comedian Sugar Sammy is packing his valises for the City of Light after Paris took a shine to his comedic stylings, which have largely focused on the linguistic foibles of the various groups in his hometown. Sammy, who launched to local fame by lampooning English and French tensions and other local cultural peccadilloes, was unsure if his act would catch on in Paris. "A lot of producers there were very interested so I went to test the market and it worked really well. So I said 'let's move forward and push to another market and try to conquer France," Sammy told CBC Montreal Daybreak. Sammy said that an accent modification was required on Paris...
November 18 - BT Interviews : Sugar Sammy is gearing up for another set of shows here in Montreal. The comedian was on the last plane to Montreal the night of the Paris attacks. Back home after a month in Paris, he joins Joanne Vrakas in studio and reflects on his time in the French capital. Breakfast Television: Making mornings in Montreal fun, with hosts Alexandre Despatie and Joanne Vrakas! Weekdays 6:00am on City TV. To watch Sugar Sammy's BT Interview with Joanne Vrakas click the following link:
Encre noir
Sugar Sammy de son vrai nom Samir Khullar fait tourner les têtes au Québec. Le 17 novembre 2015, nous rencontrons le grand artiste dans sa loge à l'Olympia pour qu'il nous en dise un peu plus sur son parcours et la vision qui l'habite. D'origine indienne, l'humoriste fut, malgré vents et marées, la coqueluche des québécois en remportant la statuette de l'Olivier de l'année durant deux années consécutives. Il décide maintenant de prendre un tout autre virage, un passage presque obligé pour Sugar Sammy qui ne semble reculer devant aucun défi. Après avoir triomphé sur les planches avec son spectacle « You're Gonna Rire » , un show sans retenue...
Sugar Sammy is doing one last set of shows before jetting off to Paris for some work. He joined us in studio to chat about it all!  There is no better way to start your day than with Mornings Rock.  Wake up with Terry and Heather B. every weekday morning as of 5:30 am.  It's a fun, friendly, smart, informative, local show crammed with tons of rock to get you going. Listen to the interview at the following link:  
Since his debut as a comedian, Sugar Sammy has yet to leave anyone feeling indif-ferent. His allure is as striking as his caustic humour. His indian origins, childhoodin a multiethnic montreal neighbourhood, and his education in francophone schools have contributed to his unique appreciation for canadian culture. He does not hesitate to draw from this position to paint an irreverent, albeit always fair, portrait of our behaviour and our many contradictions. On the eve of his departure for Paris, he let us in on his passion for style and elegance. There is no doubt that his ironic...
192 Magazine
Well known for his caustic humour toward society and his role as a chauvinist bachelor in the television series Ces gars-là!, Sugar Sammy stands out with his unique combination of bold humour and derision. His Indian background has gifted him with a unique perspective on Québec culture which inspired his bilingual show You're gonna rire. After traveling all over the world, Sugar Sammy seduces Québec with his witty liveliness, as well as with his charm and elegance. From the start of the French version of his tour in Québec, Sugar Sammy has since seen much success. Over 230 000 tickets were sold for his two one-man shows, including 100 sold out shows presented at the Olympia de MONTRÉAL. You have been nominated for the...
192 Magazine
Bien connu pour son humour décapant sur la société et son rôle de célibataire à saveur machiste dans la série télévisée Ces gars-là!, Sugar Sammy s'impose par un humour unique qui allie audace et dérision. Ses origines indiennes lui permettent d'avoir un regard unique sur la province, une vision qui a lui a inspiré son spectacle bilingue You're gonna rire. Après avoir fait le tour de la planète, c'est le Québec qu'il séduit par sa verve, mais aussi par son charme et son élégance. Depuis qu'il a entamé sa tournée du Québec avec la version en français de son spectacle, Sugar Sammy connaît un franc succès. Ses deux one-man-show combinés ont généré la vente de 230 000 billets,...
BBC World
Sugar Sammy on BBC - The Travel show. Join the team on their journey of discovery as they explore new destinations around the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite holiday hotspots. In the fall of 2015, for its 41st episode, the Travel show visits the Province of Quebec (Canada) to learn more about what sets Quebec apart from the other Canadian provinces, why there are  Quebecois who want to separate from the rest of Canada and bilingual comedian Sugar Sammy's take on the whole subject. Watch Sugar Sammy at 3:32 :
Moncton Times & Transcript
Did you hear the joke about the multilingual Indian comic that had a small group of Francophones up in arms over English advertisements in the province of Quebec? Except it's no joke. It was a deliberate attempt to stir the linguistic debate by Quebec comedian Sugar Sammy. Born Samir Khullar to parents that immigrated to Montreal from India, Khullar is fluent in English, French, Hindi as well as Punjabi. He says that early in his life he saw how being multilingual could give him an advantage for getting ahead as well as setting him apart from his peers. “It is a natural part of my act to talk about these language tensions we see. I've seen how that tension can divide people, but rather than multilingualism being...
Hindustan Times (Delhi)
He may perform as Sugar Sammy but his routine hardly consists of sweet nothings. In fact, it's quite something - foul-mouthed, lots of physical humour, and with a political edge that skewers chauvinists. Sugar Sammy, a stand-up comedy star in Canada, is quite the oddity: an Indian origin comedian, born on a leap day, doing plenty of shows in English in the Francophone Canadian province of Quebec. But for the 39-year-old Montreal-born Samir Khullar, that's routine. “There still is a big English population here in Montreal and we have English comedy clubs here as well. I started in English because I learnt (comedy) in English. When I was watching stand-up, I would watch it in English. It was very natural for me. Then...
The National
Sugar Sammy is relaxing at home – which is neither his natural state, nor indicative of his habitual effect on others. The comedian works constantly – at provoking his audience. Born Samir Khullar in Montreal, Canada, he's a player in an emerging new generation of non-white comedians who revel in the licence granted by the very ethnicity that might once have excluded them. The crowds at his show are a United Nations of ethnicities, and he goes after every one – East Indians, African-Americans, Haitians, Jamaicans, Italians, Irish – and he probes for the soft spots, the clichés, digs into them, and immediately bonds. In a way, it started with French. Given his stage name in college for his...
PBS - Vermont
In partnership with Montreal's weekly arts publication, CULT #MTL, Qulture takes a look at current arts and cultural happenings in Montreal. This half-hour episode includes three stories from the city's arts and culture scene: popular comedian Sugar Sammy; Montreal street art; and a weekly burlesque cabaret! Friday July 3, 8:30 p.m. on Vermont PBS. Dip into the Montreal's street art and comedy scenes, along with a bit of vaudeville, and watch full episode at: . Sugar Sammy's interview: 
Entretien avec un enfant terrible qui n'a de sucré que le nom. Depuis qu'il a mis en veilleuse sa carrière internationale pour courtiser le public québécois, Sugar Sammy est devenu l'un des incontournables de l'humour made in Québec. Bête noire des uns, coqueluche des autres, il ne laisse personne indifférent. Et à ceux qui rient jaune, il assure ne se moquer que des gens qu'il aime. Entretien avec un enfant terrible qui n'a de sucré que le nom. Quand avez-vous choisi de faire des frictions culturelles et linguistiques la matière première de votre humour ? Je ne me suis jamais dit : ah, voilà mon registre, à partir de maintenant, je vais faire des blagues...
Vá¢nia Le Bloque
C'est dans un très chic condo du Ritz, par une journée ensoleillée de printemps, que j'ai rencontré le très talentueux humoriste Sugar Sammy. C'est dans cet environnement élégant, où le luxe et la modernité se côtoient, que Sugar Sammy a accepté de se dévoiler de façon cool et décontractée. Très sûr de lui, à la fois réservé et magnétique, cet humoriste qui a remporté plusieurs prix Olivier et qui s'éclate dans la série Ces gars-là de Télé-Québec, aime la vie et apprécie la beauté naturelle. Pour lui, la beauté d'une femme lui vient de sa personnalité. Quand elle est bien dans sa peau, sa beauté intérieure irradie et magnétise. Sugar Sammy, artiste...
National Post
Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy owes his career to Montreal. Born Samir Khullar in the city's Cote-Des-Neiges neighbourhood, the comedian and actor grew up multilingual — he speaks Punjabi and Hindi as well as French and English — and drew on his experiences living in a city whose cultural identity is so intrinsically (and, at times, controversially) tied to its linguistic history for You're Gonna Rire, the one-man, bilingual act that Sugar Sammy has been performing since 2012. Here, the stand-up tells us about the genesis of his act, and the unexpected consequences of using both official languages.     
Cult #MTL
From the hard-hitting school of stand-up comedy that produced alum like Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock, Sugar Sammy has learned how to deliver punches with his punchlines, dodge the blowback and come out a star. After 20 years in the stand-up game, the 39-year old comedian has performed 300 bilingual comedy shows in Montreal and across the province since 2012, establishing himself as a stand-up powerhouse. The Québécois crowds love him (for the most part — more about that later), a considerable feat for an anglo born Samir Khullar to Indian “allophone” parents in Côte-des-Neiges, and nicknamed Sugar Sammy by ladies he tutored in university and scored free drinks for at McGill frat parties. In the first week of...
Global News
An indoor billboard campaign that poked fun at the Office québécois de la langue française has won five CREA Awards, which recognize Quebec's best advertising each year. The campaign to promote comedy shows You're Gonna Rire and En français SVP!, featuring comedian Sugar Sammy, highlighted what he does best: making fun of life in Montreal. The multimedia campaign included billboards, television and radio ads — but it was the two versions of an indoor billboard scattered across Montreal's metro system that really caught the public's attention. The original billboard said: “For Christmas I'd like a complaint from the Office de la langue...
Huffington Post - Québec
C'est confirmé: l'émission Ces gars-là aura droit à une troisième saison sur les ondes de V en 2016. Simon-Olivier Fecteau et Sugar Sammy ont annoncé la nouvelle via vidéo, le jour-même de la diffusion du dernier épisode de la deuxième saison. Nathalie Brigitte Bustos, la directrice de la programmation du Groupe V Média, a commenté: « Quel plaisir que de pouvoir confirmer la 3e saison de Ces gars-là, la seule fiction présentée sur V. Avec ses thématiques variées, drôles, touchantes, parfois absurdes, parfois taboues, la série se renouvelle sans cesse et explore avec brio les multiples facettes de l'amitié masculine… une rareté à la télévision ! C'est donc avec...
The Guardian
Bilingual stand-up comedian Sugar Sammy has been called a francophobe, a federalist bully and a traitor in Quebec. And yet, his show has been sold out in the French-Canadian province since its launch in 2011. Sugar Sammy is a provocateur. The Montreal-born comedian likes to incense French speakers in Canada's Quebec region, going as far as flouting language laws to do so. Sammy always knew that he would not be received with open arms by creating the first bilingual show in the province's history, nor by by poking fun at the separatist movement – a sacred cow amongst the predominantly French-speaking artistic community. But the death threat he received last December was publicity he could have done...
The Star
One of the most innovative shows on Quebec television is a bromance, a comedy about two guys in their 30s who are breaking down barriers on the frontier of the two solitudes. Ces Gars-là, featuring comedian Sugar Sammy and actor-director Simon-Olivier Fecteau, follows the pals through sexual conquests and mines the deepest recesses of their one-track minds for material. In the end, they are often left relying on one another when everyone else has moved on. The roles are semi-autobiographical and each episode is premised on something that actually happened, however small that kernel may be. Sugar Sammy (Samir Khullar), the Indo-Canadian funny man, plays up his unhealthy relationship with his parents and his playboy ways....
Si comme moi, vous avez l'habitude de prendre le métro, vous avez sans aucun doute pu observer la controversée campagne publicitaire lancée afin de promouvoir le spectacle franglais de Sugar Sammy. L'allusion à la réception d'une plainte de l'office de la langue française a eu pour impact soit de vous sentir outrés ou vous a fait rire. Et bien, croyez-le ou non, ces deux types de personnes étaient présentes au spectacle de cet humoriste à l'humour provocateur. Le party « all night long » C'est dans un esprit rassembleur et festif que se sont réunis les spectateurs qui attendaient fébrilement l'arrivée sur scène de Sugar Sammy à l'Olympia. Comme tout spectacle qui...
Un retour en force pour Simon et Sam, dont l'amitié indéfectible avait été entachée par leur affection réciproque pour une même fille. La série humoristique Ces gars-là est arrivée l'an dernier comme un vent de fraîcheur dans un paysage télévisuel québécois de plus en plus nourrit par le malaise et l'irrévérence grâce à ces humoristiques qui en ont pris le contrôle (et nous en sommes bien heureux qu'ils l'aient fait, précisons-le). Nous avons eu la chance de visionner les deux premiers épisodes de la seconde saison de la série, qui seront diffusés sur les ondes de V le 9 et le 16 février prochain. La complicité entre Sugar Sammy et Simon-Olivier...